Want to know more about working with TLC?

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

What does a breastfeeding appointment look like?

Tera’s Lactation Care is here to support you on your feeding journey! When you schedule a visit with TLC you can expect non-judgmental, compassionate, evidence-based care. 

  • I will first gather your health history and birth story to learn about where you are in your feeding experience to this point. 

  • Next, we will weigh your baby, and I will do an exam of you and your baby to identify any concerns.

  • We will then work on latch and positioning so that we can make sure you and your baby are breastfeeding comfortably.

  • Following feeding, we will weigh your baby again to see how much milk was transferred during that feeding. This will help us develop a plan for a feeding and/or pumping schedule moving forward. 

  • Additionally, we can assess pump flange fit in order to make sure pumping is comfortable and effective.

  • I will answer any questions or concerns you have about feeding your baby.

  • I understand that there is so much information that new parents must learn (often on very little sleep). So, following our visit I will provide you with a care plan that will summarize our time together and provide you with recommendations and resources that you can continue to refer to after our visit. 

  • I will also send a summary of our consultation to your Midwife or OB, as well as your baby’s Pediatrician. After our visit, I will recommend follow-up based on your individual needs and will continue to be available to you for questions via text or phone.

What is an IBCLC?

IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. IBCLCs are the highest accredited healthcare professionals specializing in lactation, and are the gold standard for lactation care.

Are lactation services covered under insurance?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that all new health plans cover “comprehensive prenatal and postnatal lactation support [and] counseling.” This means that breastfeeding mothers have coverage for lactation counseling without cost-sharing for as long as they are breastfeeding. While insurers must cover such consultations without cost-sharing, they sometimes require consumers to see only the providers within their network or impose other requirements on coverage. Our collaboration with The Lactation Network (TLN) allows us to provide six visits covered 100% (with no out of pocket costs) to many individuals insured by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), Anthem BCBS and Cigna. To check your coverage with TLN, click here. For those who may not be covered with TLN, an excellent resource on insurance reimbursement is the National Women’s Law Center’s Toolkit for Breastfeeding Moms

Is Tera’s Lactation Care able to help me navigate concerns for tongue ties (and other tethered oral tissue)?

Yes, on top of Tera’s training as an IBCLC, she has completed training on tethered oral tissues (TOTs) with Tongue Tied Academy, and the International Breastfeeding Centre and pursues continued education on how TOTs affect breastfeeding. Tera will assess for TOTs at your visit, and can help connect you to other local providers who provide care specific to TOTs. Tera can help your family navigate preparing for a tongue/lip tie release if needed. Following a release, Tera is able to help your family by providing after care stretches, suck training and assessment, and will provide instruction and education on stretches and suck training so that you feel comfortable performing them independently.